Keep your web visitors from hitting the “back” button

Written by on June 20, 2017

You've likely come across one of those websites on your smartphone or tablet that looked archaic, and wasn't mobile-friendly

You had to pinch, zoom, and squint to read the content, and their dated design probably left you questioning the company's level of professionalism. And you may have even gone right back to your Google search and started over again.

Don't let it be that way for your appraisal clients. By switching to one of the new mobile-friendly Enterprise XSite themes, you'll customize your site so it looks beautiful on any device, and you'll stand out from your competitors.

Watch how simple it is. In the video below, you'll see how to add your company logo, customize your colors, and add a photo for yourself.

Don't have an Enterprise XSite? It's an appraiser-specific website with pre-written pages and content to help you retain current clients and land new ones at higher fees. Check them out here, or call 866-366-4076 to learn more.