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Meet the new XSites My Office area

When you logged into your XSite last week, you probably noticed a new look to your My Office area.  That’s our gift to you for the holidays – an entirely redesigned My Office admin area that will make running your business easier than ever.  All of the features you’ve been using are still there (along with a few new ones); we’ve simply moved a few of them around so all the tools and features you use the most on your XSite are in one central place.

The first thing you’ll see when you log in is the new “Notifications” section, which keeps you informed of anything happening with your XSite.  Here, you can check your task reminders; daily, weekly or monthly schedule; view and send e-mail, and access your XSite’s user management, vendor list and intranet.  Plus, you’ll get daily marketing tips to help you reach more prospects and turn them into clients.

Need a contact’s address?  Need to know if you’re free next Friday?  The “Search My Office” feature allows quick access to your contacts and calendar.  And the “Mortgage Community” section is where you’ll go to access the XSites Network to find a real estate professional in your area.  You can also check out the current marketing tips newsletter and read the latest real estate news from the Inman news feed.

Anything you want to add, change or fix on your XSite can now be done by clicking on the “XSite” icon in the My Office area.  This is where we’ve housed your XSite’s Wizard, lead capture and search engine tools and XSite user statistics.  In your XSite’s stats area, you can see exactly which pages are getting the most traffic, how visitors are finding your site, which pages they land on first and the search phrases that people type into search engines that bring them to your site.

“In addition to improving workflow, we redesigned the My Office area so you can better see how your XSite is working for you every day,” says Brad Eaton, our VP of Mortgage Products.

We hope you enjoy using your XSite’s My Office area.  If you have any questions, feel free to call us on the tech lines at
1-800-211-4514, any time, day or night.