Thanks for the feedback on our Tech Tips. Many of you are interested in WinTOTAL’s integrated worksheets, a feature you’ll find nowhere else.
Today's tip combines both of the worksheet functions into one. Again, we’re going to check a box and have some data fill into another blank on the form. We’ll use another “IF” statement, but this time we’ll put a CONCATENATE function as the middle term on the IF statement. This will allow us to dynamically combine text with other form text. My example is the Public Water description field, which we’ll populate with a combination of “City of “ and whatever city the subject is in – in this case, B3.
=IF(B1=”X”,CONCATENATE("City of “,B3),””)
(I put the middle term in another color to help you see it better. You don’t have to do this in your formula.)
Notice that this is almost exactly like the previous Tech Tip, except for the middle term, which is a CONCATENATE function.
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