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What We Know About UAD 3.6

Maybe you’ve heard about the UAD changes, or maybe you’ve been trying not to think about it. Either way, a la mode is here to help you stay updated, get prepared, and figure out best practices BEFORE you’re scrambling to do so. But don’t fret, you do not need to take any action right now. We just wanted to let you know what we’re doing on our end so we can be a resource to you.   


What’s happening with the UAD redesign?   

The UAD form you’re currently using is getting a big facelift and will replace many of the individual forms you’re familiar with (such as the 1004, 1073, and 2055) offering a new dynamic report that adapts to the data you enter. This will cut out unnecessary data fields and make the final product easier for lenders and homeowners to read.     


What are the benefits for me?   

The new URAR reports show only relevant fields and sections for each unique assignment. Doing a refi? No need for a contract section at all, then.   

Commentary, photos, and data fields grouped together by section, rather than in their own separate form or an addendum. That means it is far less likely for the client to miss valuable information and justification that would have previously resulted in a revision request. You’re able to speak directly to the data and photo in the same section. 


How is a la mode mobilizing for this change?  

Our team is currently working on our software to be UAD compliant and to reduce as many roadblocks in your workflow as possible. We have a beta group that is giving us feedback in real time to ensure our customers are getting a user experience that is simple and intuitive.   

While the updated UAD may not be required until 2026, our goal is to release our new UAD tools to TOTAL users well before UAD is required so that you can play around and get comfortable with this new workflow.   

BONUS: We’re also using this opportunity to enhance TOTAL and TOTAL for Mobile with some often-requested features that weren’t previously possible.  



How will this change the way I work? 

In short, if you can get comfortable with TOTAL for Mobile now, adapting your workflow to the new requirements will be significantly easier when UAD rolls around.   
Long answer, there will be new and expanded data points and photos to gather on your inspections, and trying to use only your memory for all of them (especially the dynamic “if/then” requirements) would be a nightmare. By using TOTAL for Mobile, the app will prompt you with the fields you need based on what you’ve already filled out.  

To learn more about TOTAL for Mobile, visit our training page to join one of our live webinars — We suggest the “Getting Started with TOTAL for Mobile” class if you’re new.  


When will the change happen? 

The GSEs have released a new timeline for implementation of UAD 3.6. It now extends into 2026 (with a firm cutoff for 2.6 revisions in mid-2027) and gives us more details about how they want players in the mortgage industry to complete their portions of the update. Here’s what to expect in more detail: 

January 2025 - September 7, 2025
Education/Preparation Phase 
GSEs have begun sharing what the new dataset will require. Software companies (including a la mode) have started offering educational materials on the topic as well as webinars. You’ll want to stay as updated as possible by signing up here. 

September 8, 2025 - January 25, 2026
Limited Production 
In this time the GSEs can accept both UAD 2.6 and 3.6 but there will be a limited number of lenders who will have controlled access to submit. To be considered for this access lenders will need to submit a UAD questionnaire and receive GSE Approval.  

January 26, 2026 - November 1, 2026
Broad Production 
In this timeframe the new dataset and production environment is available to all and either the new or old UAD standards may be followed.  

November 2, 2026 - May 2, 2027
Mandate Cutoff 
From the beginning of this period only UAD 3.6 may be used for new submissions. However, revisions under the old dataset will still be allowed. 

Finally, May 3, 2027 is the firm cutoff date for any and all revisions of reports using the 2.6 paradigm.  


You can view the current UAD and Forms Redesign Timeline by clicking here.


Will there be training? 

Of course! As we get closer, we’ll have lots of documentation, classes, webinars, and examples to share with you. For now, just relax, and stay tuned.  

Here’s a playlist that contains all our recent webinars on the subject, including several interviews with GSEs themselves.  


How much will it cost? 

The UAD updates will be included with every level of support contract, from Silver to Elite – no one-off upgrade fees or add-ons. It’s what we did last time around, and it’s the right thing to do.  


What’s next? 

Be on the lookout for updates as we learn more about the new UAD. We likely won’t have anything more to tell you until the middle of 2025, but as we have pertinent info to share, we will. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and opt into our emails so you don’t miss a thing.