This week, we’re releasing more improvements based on your feedback. We think you’ll appreciate these new items that should address some of the questions and comments you’re receiving from property owners, like, “I thought you were taking the exterior photos?” and “There’s no photo slot for the HVAC.”
We’ve also given you better ways to gather below-grade property elements and more information around when, where, and what time the property owner took the photos. And, since some of you include the HTML file with your report, we thought it best to make that look as good as you. Check out what’s improved!
- Now you have the option to choose whether or not you want the property owner to take the exterior photos. If excluded, the photo slots for Exterior Front, Exterior Street, Exterior Rear, or Parking photos will not be displayed.

- The property owner is now asked if there’s a garage on the property. If they reply yes, then a section for garage photos will be present in the photos screen.

- If the property owner indicates there’s a basement onsite, a second question asks if there are finished areas in the basement. When finished areas are indicated on the first screen, the property owner will have a toggle on each photo section to indicate if those photos are for something below grade.

- Property owners are asked for more room types, at the start of the inspection, so that rooms are labeled more accurately for you.
- The “Add Interior Room” button is now “Add Room or Feature” so that it’s clearer to the property owner that they can add photos of the HVAC, attic access, or other items you request.
- When adding additional rooms, the property owner can now choose the room label from an extended list or type in their own. These labels help you better identify the room and transfer it into the photo pages if you decide to use the photo in your report.

- The HTML file added to your WorkFile contains more salient information from the inspection, such as the date/time for each photo, whether the room is in the basement, and GPS coordinates.