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Click, ask, and get answers

Unless you simply enjoy our groovy elevator music, you’d probably rather skip waiting when calling in with a simple how-to question. That’s why we launched a new chat feature on We’re trying something different to help guide you to the resources you need, so that you can get back to business, fast.

Your a la mode chat technician provides solutions to quick, how-to and “How do I…?” questions, freeing up our phone lines for your complex sales and support issues. Here’s how chat works:

  • Chat is ideal for quick, how-to questions
  • We’re online and ready to chat from 9AM6PM CT, Monday – Friday
  • Go to, and look for the chat icon in the bottom-right corner
  • Simply enter your name, email, and question
  • Hit “Submit” to connect with your chat technician

New Support Chat Tool

If chat is unavailable, you can leave a message, or submit a Support request at My Account > Get Help > Request Help. A technician will be in touch as soon as possible.

We’ve already received positive feedback from appraisers!

“This was my first experience with the a la mode online tech chat. It was easy and fast, and he waited while I solved the problem, so I didn’t have to initiate a second chat, if needed. The online chats are a great idea!” —Jan Livingston

“I got connected with Corey over chat. She was friendly and eager to help. And fast! I’ll definitely use it again.” —Jeremy Penke

“I was frustrated when I opened the chat and not very hopeful. Five minutes later, I had my answers and was back on track. Great job.” —Sandra Peavey

I recommend it! I was out at an appointment and was able to work while the Chat Tech looked into my question. Saved me wait time and frustration.” —Jennifer Earwood

“The chat works great!” —Michael Barnes

Meet Corey, our Lead Support Chat Technician

Go to, and click the chat box in the bottom-right corner. We’re ready to chat!