Over the last few years, we’ve released four new Titan products and asked (repeatedly) for your feedback. Well, mission accomplished! We’ve received thousands of survey responses and questions, alike. Now, we’d like to alleviate confusion and give transparency to some of the top replies. Read on for top questions (and answers), clarification on available uses, and details on new feature releases.

Every appraiser seems to have a different workflow, and we know completing an appraisal isn’t just formfilling. This is why our products are built to be additional tools in your arsenal that help you accomplish each piece of your workday. One concern that many appraisers have had over the years is the inability to access what they need while out in the field or on vacation. Plus, we all know clients don’t just have requests from 8-5 during the week. So, when building our newest lineup of products, we developed them in the cloud.
You don’t have every single feature from TOTAL currently available in Titan Reports. But what you do have is access to key features needed to start, edit, and deliver a report on-the-go. Check out this comparison chart. We’d like to clarify further that Titan Reports isn’t currently a replacement for TOTAL. Titan was released as a companion to TOTAL. And, just like its predecessors, more bells and whistles will be added in upcoming updates and releases – based on your feedback.
Top Questions and requests:
- Why doesn’t Titan Reports have all the same features as TOTAL?
- When will Titan be tablet compatible?
- Are Titan Drive saved files accessible in TOTAL?

A recent update satisfied one of the most common requests, which was the ability to use Titan Reports on a tablet. You’re now able to make edits, in the field, on a tablet. And, our development team is continually improving the mobile performance. Plus, Titan Office works with any device (including smartphones). This enables you to create, assign, and manage orders in or out of the office.
Two more helpful features came out of recent updates that allow you to cut out a ton of data re-entry. There is, now, a Create Report button in every Titan Office order. So, when you finish creating an order, simply click the button to create a report using all the order details in Titan Reports. And, since everyone now has access to Recent Reports in TOTAL, once you save the new report to Titan Drive, it’s instantly available in your Appraisal Desktop. To be clear, that means you can instantly generate an order, report, and invoice — with zero copying, pasting, or re-typing! And, you can access your report in Titan or TOTAL.

The Titan lineup is made up of four different products that work together with TOTAL and TOTAL for Mobile to provide you with end-to-end solutions for your entire appraisal workflow.
- Titan Reports – create, edit, and deliver reports from anywhere
- Titan Drive – unlimited storage, backup, and collaboration
- Titan Office – intuitive order management, accounting, and reporting
- Titan Analytics – fast and defensible support for your market analysis
And remember, they’re all included in our Elite membership!
We’re continuing to refine our Titan products with input from our customers. To stay up-to-date on more exciting features rolling out in upcoming releases, subscribe to our blog, and keep an eye on your inbox. Click the button below to share your feedback and be entered to win a new iPad Air! Plus, try out Titan on a tablet.