More efficient E&O in TOTAL 2013

Written by on March 26, 2013

TOTAL 2013's new E&O PowerView puts the error-correction tools you need and trust in their own window, which is especially helpful for multiple-monitor setups.

Just double-click a warning to jump straight to that field on the form and make simple changes. You can also hide any rule you don't want to see, either from the current report or from all reports. Plus, you can use the drop-down to specify which type of results you want to see.

You might have noticed that functions (like "=") and QuickLists don't work when making changes in TOTAL's E&O PowerView. But, the best part of the new E&O PowerView is that it makes use of TOTAL's focus on the efficiency of multiple-monitor computer setups. When the E&O PowerView is undocked into its own window, simply drag it to whichever monitor you like. This way, you can see your E&O tools on one monitor while using the Forms PowerView's advanced functions and QuickLists on the other.

It's the all-new E&O PowerView in TOTAL 2013. If you don’t have TOTAL 2013 yet, click here to get started.