TOTAL 2013 goes mobile

Written by on May 28, 2013

We’ve reworked our mobile lineup with a suite of new mobile products: TOTAL for Mobile 2013. All of the data you collect in the field (including voice notes, photos, sketches, and more) on your iPhone, iPad, or Android™ devices flow into your TOTAL 2013 report and your Spectrum Workfile, saving you lots of time since you don’t have to type all your handwritten notes into your report manually.

TOTAL for Mobile 2013 boasts a new cloud-based synchronization process, giving you more flexibility and control by letting you choose which files to sync, and when – and you can even merge the data you collect in the field with an existing report on the desktop.

TOTAL for Mobile 2013 builds on the core functionality that appraisers have come to rely on in the field, based on your feedback from previous versions:

  • Use any photo page we offer in TOTAL 2013 in the field, whether it’s a standard three-photo pages, or the 15-photo page for interior shots
  • Leave a QuickNote right on a photo to remind yourself of something important, and it’ll be on the form when you get back to the office
  • View a map of your subject and comps at any time – and even get directions
  • Use your custom TOTAL 2013 QuickLists from your desktop while in the field to simply tap through your inspections
  • Use the text-to-speech features of your Apple or Android device to make notes that are transferred to the Spectrum Workfile in TOTAL 2013
  • Take recorded voice notes in the field, as well. TOTAL for Mobile 2013 marks the time you took the note, where you were in the forms, and stores all the information right into your Workfile
  • Create your sketches digitally, which saves you several minutes per report by not having to recreate them on your computer using handwritten drawings
  • Draw angles and curves, and even see area calculations while you’re still at the property.

When you’re done in the field, sync your file back to TOTAL 2013 on your desktop. Field data goes into the forms, the sketch onto the sketch pages, and all your field notes are already stored in the Spectrum Workfile.

Go completely paperless and start working smarter with TOTAL for Mobile 2013 on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device and TOTAL 2013 on your desktop.