
Written by on September 4, 2012

Are your reports snowed under with sticky notes? Some of you write notes to yourselves; others give feedback to trainee appraisers. In addition to being messy, you run the risk of losing these notes, which can often be a violation of USPAP.

Instead of physical notes, use WinTOTAL’s electronic version of these, called QuickNotes. They’re in the toolbar in both WinTOTAL and TOTAL, and come in three colors.

With QuickNotes, you can:

  • Make notes to yourself, your office manager, and other appraisers
  • Close all open QuickNotes at once to see the forms better
  • Double-click them to open and close them individually
  • Hide all of them so you can see what the form will look like when it prints

The best part of all is that QuickNotes are part of the report itself, so if you e-mail the WinTOTAL file to your trainee, or back up the report to the cloud with Vault, the notes are still part of the WinTOTAL file – and anyone who has a copy of the WinTOTAL file can see them. And, since they don’t print out on the forms, you never have to worry about accidentally sending the notes to your client.

QuickNotes are exclusive to WinTOTAL and TOTAL; you won’t find them anywhere else. So if you don’t have WinTOTAL yet, click here for a free trial.