Roll back your reports to an earlier version

Written by on February 25, 2014

“Timeline just saved my butt! Now that is a cool feature.

After hours of work, I just overwrote a file by mistake. Poof… hours of work gone! Then I saw Timeline, selected a copy that had been saved just a few minutes before my dumb mistake. And poof… hours of work restored!

I was back where I left off in no time.” — Cris Wilmes, Able Appraisal

If you've ever had that heart-attack-moment when you realize you've accidentally undone hours' worth of work in your formfiller, there's no need to worry anymore. TOTAL's new Timeline feature lets you "roll back" your reports to earlier versions.

Here's how it works:

As you fill out your forms, TOTAL saves copies of your report in various stages as you fill it out, add forms, swap forms, merge data from older reports, or even deliver. You can roll back your report to the version it was before you made any major change.

Timeline even goes the next step, and saves a copy of the current report as it was before you did the restore, so you can revert your report back to that timeframe, too.

Click here to read more about the new Timeline feature in TOTAL.