Posts tagged with Tech Tip

Tech Tip: Remove a comp from weighting

on April 23, 2024

Want to remove an active listing from your comp weighting? What about that comp you included at the behest of the client, or to bracket a feature – but it shouldn’t affect the value? In TOTAL it’s simple to remove a comp from both the weighting and the suggested (weighted) value while still keeping that […]

Tech Tip: Swapping one major form to another

on April 16, 2024

What if you’ve already started working on a report, and the client changes job (and form types) on you mid-stream – but you have data, like comparable data in the grid, that you don’t want to lose?   In other appraisal tools, you may be used to starting a new report just to get the […]

Tech Tip: Customize area lines in your sketch

on January 30, 2024

Sketches can sometimes get complex. One of the ways to visually distinguish between two areas is to change the pattern of the lines for one of them. Watch this video to see how. (:55) You can always learn more about getting the most out of your sketches in our free webinars. Find the one that […]