Top 10 ways to cut your learning curve

Written by on February 5, 2014

If you’ve seen any of our TOTAL ads before, you know it’s got lots of features for speeding up your workflow, and eliminating many of the tasks you do manually in your current software. But you may have avoided switching so far because you’re worried about the time it’s going to take to learn another software. Eliminate those fears.

Here are the top 10 reasons it’s easier to switch than you think:

  1. You can switch at your own pace. Once you switch, do one or two reports a week in TOTAL until you’re comfortable enough to make the switch permanent.
  2. You don’t have to start from scratch. We convert files, common responses, photos, and other databases from Bradford, SFREP, and more. Or, we’ll convert all your UAD XML data into reports.
  3. Get face-time with TOTAL before you even use it. Take our live webinars, see it in action, and become more familiar with it – even before you get the free trial. Click here to sign up for our “Switching from” webinars.
  4. Hit F1 at any time. F1 gives you specific information about whichever part of the program you’re in, and TOTAL’s User Guide is fully indexed and easily searchable.
  5. Use the sample report. TOTAL comes with a fully-completed sample report. Use it to practice with TOTAL, and see what a completed, finished report looks like – Digital Workfile and all.
  6. There are multiple ways to do things in TOTAL. For instance, you can use the robust Photos PowerView, or still import your photos in-line in the form like you’re used to with more simplistic software.
  7. Don’t be afraid to call for help, even at night and on the weekends. You get 24×7 Tech Support during your free trial period – and for your first 100 days after you switch.
  8. Use TOTAL’s templates. TOTAL comes with a set of template reports built right in, to help you get started faster.
  9. We have expert Product Coaches on staff to help. Our full-time staff of coaches are dedicated to helping you switch. Just set up an appointment and they can walk you through your transition.
  10. You don’t have to learn it all (or all at once). We’re the only appraisal software vendor that does regular Tech Tips to help you learn your products in short, easy-to-digest videos that help you maximize your software.

Click here to get a no-strings free trial of TOTAL today or call 1-800-ALAMODE. And if you’re an ACI or ClickFORMS customer, join us for one of our regular “switch” webinars. We do a couple each month, and they’re free to everyone. Click here to register.