All the fundamentals of appraisal report preparation on your PC in two days

Written by on July 13, 2004

One of the many things that sets a la mode apart is our Hands On Training (HOT) sessions, held here in our Oklahoma City headquarters.  We have a training room built with HOT in mind: 28 workstations with Dell Pentium 1.7 GHz PCs with XP Professional face a whiteboard/projection screen.  Coffee, soda, water, lunch and a take-home 101-page outline are provided. WinTOTAL users to a man and woman will tell you they’re the most valuable two day investments they’ve ever made in their careers.

We call it, officially, “Essential concepts for completing appraisal reports using a PC.” And that’s pretty much what we cover.  They’re two-day sessions with plenty of time allotted for questions, covering everything from formfilling and data entry, to digital photos and scanning, to EDI, report delivery and Mercury, to billing and order management.  And much, much more.

The course is approved for CE in Oklahoma, but has not been submitted (by us) for CE outside the state.  A lot of states do have reciprocity with Oklahoma, though, and similar material has been approved by other states in the past.

After an hour spent on comps management in Hands On Training, you will know how to import existing reports into your Comps Database; add new records to your Comps Database; work with date and age fields; search for and browse comps; print lists of comps; merge comps from old reports; swap and sort comps on forms; perform square footage adjustments with the Square Footage Adjustment tool; use the “=” command for copying comp entries; and print net and gross adjustments.  And that’s after an hour’s worth of training.

HOT is so popular it’s spreading, by the way.  We are developing a new regional sales and training office in Orlando, where HOT sessions will also be held.  For now, though, WinTOTAL users new and veteran can take advantage of Hands on Training in Oklahoma City next week – July 23-24 – by clicking here. But hurry, these sessions are very popular and space is at a premium!