Posts about Updates

Our most significant update to TOTAL Sketch

on August 21, 2014

We have a very important new TOTAL Sketch update ready for you. It's safe to say that it's the most significant update to Sketch since we introduced it nearly a decade ago. To download it, plus any prior updates you may have missed, make sure you have TOTAL Sketch open. Then just click its Help […]

TOTAL update now live

on July 22, 2014

A new update is now ready for TOTAL users. To download this new update, plus any prior updates you may have missed, just click Help (with TOTAL open), and then click Check for Updates. Here are the three new features you'll appreciate:

Big things coming to TOTAL Sketch

on June 17, 2014

It’s true. Really big things are coming to TOTAL Sketch this summer. You’ll soon see significant improvements in the user interface and user experience of TOTAL Sketch; improvements that will make sketching even easier and faster than before. We spent time even redesigning every toolbar button in TOTAL Sketch.

Sneak peek of the changes coming to your XSite

on April 17, 2014

Over the last few months, we’ve upgraded our XSites engine in the agent and mortgage markets. We’re wrapping up those changes for Appraiser XSites now. Here's what to expect in just a few weeks — specifically mid-May.