Get your XSite noticed sooner with Google Sitemaps

Written by on January 12, 2006

If you're like many website owners, you're constantly making changes and updating the pages of your site so search engines index them – thereby allowing you to generate more traffic. The problem is most search engines keep methods of indexing web pages a secret, so you don't always know how or when anyone will find them or the changes you've made.

Until now.

We've integrated Mortgage XSites with the mother of all search engines – – allowing your Mortgage XSite website's pages to be indexed more efficiently and quickly.

How it works
With Google Sitemaps we've created a direct link between your XSite and Google's servers. Once you activate this feature, it automatically keeps Google informed of all your web pages and when you make changes to these pages, thereby improving your coverage when Google's search engine spider (or "Googlebot" as Google calls it) crawls your site. And, when you activate the Sitemaps feature, Google will also send you detailed reports to learn more about how Google directs traffic to your XSite and how the Googlebot sees your pages.

To activate the Google Sitemaps feature, go to your XSite wizard, click "Search Engine Tools" in the toolbar, and follow the on-screen instructions.