Improved Page Content Editor for XSites and XSellerate

Written by on February 24, 2006

It's never a slow month in the product development department here at a la mode. This week we're releasing an enhanced Page Content Editor, which is what you use when you modify or create any text on your Real Estate Professional, Mortgage Broker, and Appraiser Xsites.

Here are a few of the cool new features you'll notice:

Dockable and floating toolbars. These will enhance workflow when you're editing a page. The toolbars can now be dragged and rearranged just like in Microsoft Office. Plus, your toolbars can be undocked and appear floating over the content inside or outside your editor.

Multi-level undo/redo feature. The new editor mimics a word processor even more with a multi-level undo/redo feature with "action trails" that allow you to see the past actions and undo/redo one or more of them at once, similar to Microsoft Word.

Enhanced spellcheck. Dictionaries from Microsoft Word XP and 2003 can now be used to check spelling in your pages.

"Repeat last command" button. This practical tool allows you to perform a single command multiple times by clicking on this button in your editor.

New paste options. This feature makes it easier for you to paste formatted content from Microsoft Word and other applications into your editor and apply different types of format stripping. They include: Paste from Word, Paste from Word but strip fonts and sizes, Paste as plain text, and Paste as HTML.

Advanced programming support. The seriously tech-savvy XSite owners out there will be thrilled to know the new editor has improved support for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Choose from a number of pre-defined styles, or add your own CSS code with <style> tags by switching to HTML editing mode. In addition, JavaScript is now permitted on any page. This means that anything you can do with JavaScript you can also do in your XSite pages by embedding <script> tags in HTML editing mode.

Some of the new tools available might be vital timesavers for you, and others you may never think you'll use. Our goal is simply to give you as many tools and features as possible to make editing and creating pages on your XSite easier and faster – and fun!