XSellerate provides more ways for you to communicate with clients
Written by a la mode on April 26, 2005
Over the past few months, we've been hard at work adding new campaigns to the XSellerate marketing campaign library to provide you even more ways to communicate with new prospects and past clients, buyers or sellers.
The newest features to XSellerate are fully customizable newsletters for you to send to your contact list. Newsletters allow you to reinforce your rapport with existing clients, at the same time as establishing you an expert in the eyes of prospects. The information you provide can stimulate your prospects to take action and contact you for their real estate needs. And by sending your customers useful news and information, you're also using one of the most effective marketing tactics in the business – providing a free gift!
We've provided the templates for you, but you can name your newsletter, edit the existing text, input your picture and contact information and customize it however you like. You don't have to worry about writing articles, either. Each month, we'll automatically upload new timely stories and tips to your newsletter templates. Of course, if you'd like to write your own news, there's room to add them or replace all of our stories – it's up to you!
Along with the newsletters, we added more than 60 new campaigns to XSellerate. That includes a selection of sympathy and get well messages to give your clients the personal touch and spring and summer-themed messages to target buyers and sellers during the busiest time of the year for the real estate business. We also added campaigns that prompt recipients to visit your XSite or serve as value-added service messages. For example, the "Best Places" campaign urges buyers to check out the website www.bestplaces.net, which provides tools for buyers to compare schools, cities, crime rates, climate and even differences in cost of living between communities, giving them a "big picture" overview.
To check out the new campaigns, just log into XSellerate and view them in your e-mail and print libraries.
We're constantly adding new features and campaigns to your XSellerate marketing solution (at no charge), which we hope translates into more leads for you. If you ever have a suggestion or a question about XSellerate, feel free to e-mail us at info@alamode.com.