Posts about Updates

New time-saving features added to TOTAL Sketch

on March 24, 2014

The April TOTAL Sketch update introduced some significant usability improvements. Two notable improvements are Properties and Actions panels and the ability to directly set the width and height dimensions of any symbol.

Recap: New features, benefits, and tools

on March 3, 2014

We’ve had a lot of new features, benefits, and tools released in the last few weeks, so I wanted to post a quick recap in case you missed anything. We've got more coming this month too. Unlike other vendors who've stagnated over the years, we're constantly innovating and improving, and if you follow our blog […]

New tool to help capture more non-lender business

on February 17, 2014

When looking for any kind of product or service, most people now start on the Web. This holds true for homeowners, attorneys, CPAs, and the like looking to hire an appraiser. Therefore, your XSite needs to make it a no-brainer for someone to approach you about a potential assignment, and this is why we created […]