TOTAL gets a tune-up

Written by on March 10, 2014

This update has now been released and is available to download. Click here for the all the details.

TOTAL has been out “on the road” for about a year now – TOTAL 2013 launched in April of last year – and we’ve just closed the hood on its first major service. A sort of engine tune-up.

But the engine we’re talking about is TOTAL’s forms engine.

Several months ago, we started work on a fundamental redesign of our forms engine, with the goal of making TOTAL even faster, more stable, and more reliable.

  • First, we spent a significant amount of time reviewing and analyzing log data, application performance, and most importantly – customer feedback.
  • Then, the development team used this information to comb through the forms engine, rebuilding or recreating components to increase performance and stability.
  • Next, we spent weeks testing new builds, analyzing results, addressing issues, and testing again.

The end result is a completely re-engineered, faster, and more reliable forms engine.

Now that we've upgraded the engine, you'll notice everything is much faster, more predictable, and smoother. Moving from field to field is quicker — as is typing, scrolling, and more. For example, field navigation is 35% faster, on average.

It’s the software equivalent of replacing the spark plugs and adding a supercharger.

You’ll get the new engine tomorrow as part of your normal TOTAL updates – another benefit of your support membership.

So give it a try and see for yourself. We think you’ll like the results.