Appraiser Tech Tip: Organizing your reports

Written by on September 1, 2015

Keeping all of your reports in one folder will get very crowded, very fast. Eventually, you'll have a long list of reports that can be intimidating to comb though when you're trying to find all the reports from a particular neighborhood, client, or even year.
TOTAL keeps track of your appraisal reports for you and makes it easy to control how your files are organized. On the left of TOTAL’s File Manager, there are two sets of folders: one blue—your personal folders, and one yellow—your public folders for clients and people in your network. You can create your own personal folder structure within either one.

By default, TOTAL comes standard with only a small handful of folders. This allows you as the appraiser to configure your folders however you want. You can create folders based on date, client, area, or file type for example. You can even have folders within folders. TOTAL’s exclusive Files PowerView lets you organize your files how you like, making it easy to arrange, sort, and find reports faster.

To add a folder, simply right-click on the parent folder and click “New.” Give the new folder a name and hit "Enter." That’s it! Then, drag your reports into the new file to organize them however works best for your workflow.

You won't find this efficiency option in any other appraisal formfiller. Don't have TOTAL yet? Get a free trial here and try out the Files PowerView and more of TOTAL's timesaving features for yourself.