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Going the extra mile on SmartAddress

I wanted to give you all a quick update on SmartAddress — TOTAL's upcoming new feature for auto-checking every subject and comp address in your report for prior uses and pointing out inconsistencies. We've posted the latest version to our beta appraisers today and will have the live update to you by the end of the month.

In the meantime, I hope you watch this video. You’ll see it in action and get ideas about how to put it to work.

We know many of you are anticipating this feature and we can't wait to get it in your hands. However, it's a large project and we want to make sure we get it right. Unlike other tacked-on consistency checkers, SmartAddress shows all of your past records and compares every field in the grid in an easy-to-use side-by-side interface. You also have complete control of what prior data is shown (e.g. UAD, non-UAD, only most recent date of sale, etc.) From there, you'll easily copy over all or parts of the data from your signed reports. Because we wanted to give you as much data as possible, it's taking a bit longer than anticipated. We're making sure your data displays correctly and seamlessly without any extra steps on your end. It's a game-changer.

This new feature will only be available in TOTAL. So if you're still using WinTOTAL Aurora, take the opportunity to upgrade for free now. You can even carry over all of your reports and settings from WinTOTAL Aurora in just a few clicks. And TOTAL runs side-by-side on your PC with WinTOTAL. Click here for installation instructions.

Check out what one of our beta testers had to say:

"When the Collateral Underwriter program was announced, I was very concerned about how I would ensure data consistency within my UAD-formatted reports. Working in a small rural market means that I am constantly reusing the same comparables. Now, with SmartAddress, I am confident that my UAD-formatted comparables are 100% consistent. Every time. SmartAddress is a must-have tool!

SmartAddress has improved my workflow and saved me time. Now, I just type the addresses of my chosen comparables into the Sales Comparison grid, and SmartAddress instantly and automatically finds every prior use! I can quickly review all prior uses in side-by-side format and import the preferred version right into my report. No need to even open the Comparables Database.

Additional options allow me to only view comps with the most recent date of sale, only UAD-formatted comparables, or open prior reports where the comparables were previously used. Comparables are now automatically imported into the Comparables Database when I sign the report. No more worrying about whether I have imported comparables from every report."

— Clinton Cook, Cook Appraisals, Inc.

We're excited to get this vital tool in your hands and we'll keep you updated as we get closer to launching.