Despite the fact that our TOTAL for Mobile app is free on iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire HD. And despite the fact that appraisers constantly tell us that mobile saves them 30 minutes or more per assignment… There are still plenty of you out there who haven't gone mobile yet!
Many appraisers still spend at least 20-30 minutes retyping comp data from their MLS to the report. TOTAL's MLS Text Importer can do the same work in just one minute. This feature is always a popular topic at Roadshows and in our Tech Tip e-mails since it's a great time saver and helps reduce errors.
Windows 10 was officially released last week, and the stats show it's running on around 18 million devices. If you're considering upgrading, it's important you make sure that all of your vital programs are compatible with the new OS.
Way back in December of 2013, I wrote a blog post about an upcoming mobile accessory product called the iBlazr (click here for the original post). At the time, I was excited because one of the chief concerns many appraisers I talked to about adopting mobile technology was that pictures typically came out too dark, […]
As an appraiser, some programs and apps are essential. You know the ones – the programs you have open nearly every day, all day like your formfilling software, spreadsheets, maybe a calculator, etc. You know their ins and outs, their quirks, and what every single setting does.