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Five valuable marketing tactics for past clients

Most mortgage brokers know that marketing to their past clients is one of the best ways to generate repeat and referral clients, but few actually do it because they spend most of their time and money prospecting new clients. It's easy to market to past clients as long as you give them something of value. If you give them something they can use, they'll be more likely to refer you to their friends and family or contact you when they're ready to refinance or get a new mortgage. Here are a few marketing tactics that add value:

Give them the value of their home. Finding out the value of their home allows consumers estimate how much they're likely to get if they sell it or refinance it. Your Mortgage XSite website is already equipped with a Home Price Index page, which uses information from Freddie Mac to estimate the value of their home based on its original purchase price. Send out an e-mail to your past clients reminding them of this tool on your website and they're more likely to contact you when they're ready to refinance or get a new mortgage. To activate the Home Price Index, go to the My Office section of your XSite and click on Lead Capture Tools.

Let them know the market climate. Consumers who are wary of the housing market will also be reluctant to dive into a new mortgage or refi. Put their mind at ease by sending them articles from respected newspapers and magazines on the housing market in their area or recent sales information.

Know their hobbies. When you meet a new client, make note of their hobbies and interests. You can do this by using the Notes field in the Contacts section of your XSite. Then, e-mail or mail them articles or events they might like periodically and keeps your name on their mind.

Send them a package. A typical home owner refinances after about five years. Send your five-year clients a "Refinancing Packet" e-mail with links to the mortgage calculators and content pages on your XSite explaining the various types of mortgages available. Of course, invite them to contact you to discuss their options.

Thank them. When you do get a referral, send a handwritten note thanking your customer. Often the most valuable thing you can give your clients is a sincere appreciation for their business.