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General Purpose Forms

Are you still using the standard Fannie and Freddie forms for all your non-lender jobs? a la mode’s exclusive series of General Purpose forms lets you set yourself apart from the crowd and provide something new and more useful to attorneys, homeowners, real estate agents, and CPAs.

Our GP Forms series in WinTOTAL and TOTAL is extensive, and the forms aren't simply re-hashes of the Fannie Mae forms, like you’ll find with some of our competitors. We wrote our GP forms from the ground up, leaving out the financial market terms, which make the forms more accessible, understandable, and user-friendly to all non-lenders. Many are available in both legal and letter size forms.

The only place you’ll see any real similarity to the Fannie forms is in the comps grid. We kept the grid very similar so that you can use comparables from completed reports, or import them from your Comps Database.

To start using a GP form, go to Contents in WinTOTAL or TOTAL, find the folder for “a la mode General Purpose forms” and click to expand. There, you’ll see all kinds of major forms with supporting forms that match. And, for those of you who do commercial work, check out our General Purpose commercial form as well.

Of course, if you want to try out our GP forms series and don’t have WinTOTAL or TOTAL yet, click here for a free trial today. Don’t wait.

Click the links below to check out interactive samples of several of our most popular GP forms: