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Linking your TOTAL user to Titan

Our Titan lineup gives you the freedom to access your work from anywhere with an internet connection. Since it’s fully integrated with TOTAL, by linking your user account, you can sync your TOTAL settings to use in the cloud (instead of starting over from scratch).

Linking your user sends your QuickLists and signature directly to Titan Reports. With QuickLists syncing automatically, you’re able to complete entire fields of data within seconds, just like you do in TOTAL! 

After linking your user, your signature is ready to go immediately! Check out the video below to see how to link your TOTAL user to Titan in under sixty seconds! 


To link your user, click the user profile icon in the upper-right hand corner, then choose Edit User. Enter your a la mode username and password in the contact window. Click Link User, and then click Yes when the prompt appears. 

That’s it! With your user now linked, your QuickLists and signature are ready to use in Titan.

The beauty of our Titan lineup is that it’s fully integrated with TOTAL. By linking your a la mode account, you’re able to take advantage of online formfilling, cloud storage and backup, analytics, accounting and billing and much more. Click the button below to find out what Titan can do for you.