"I never understood the importance of Vault until I had computer issues. As an appraiser with constant deadlines, I don't have time for computers to malfunction and crash. But when it happened, I was able to sign in to my Vault account and simply copy the files I lost to my new computer. This feature is as important as technical support. I cannot imagine my appraisal business without the peace of mind Vault provides."
— Judy McReynolds, Professional Appraisal Group
We hear stories like Judy's all the time — hard drive failures, huge storms frying the computer or floods washing it away, etc. Luckily, Judy's story had a happy ending since she was able to retrieve from the cloud with Vault. If you've never used Vault with Exact, you can see how it works in this quick video:

You can never be too careful, so don't leave your files to chance. If you don't have Vault yet, get it here.