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Appraising with lasers: Leica DISTO and TOTAL for Mobile

This is a guest post from Kevin Rinaldi-Young, Content Production Specialist at Leica Geosystems. You can find Leica DISTO in the TOTAL Store here.

Let’s get this out of the way: I work for Leica Geosystems, maker of the Leica DISTO™. I understand why you might be a little skeptical if I heap praise on the impeccable quality and functionality of our tools.

On the other hand, Leica Geosystems invented Laser Distance Meters in the early ‘90s after developing the technology for use in surveying equipment, and we have been on the cutting edge ever since. DISTOs set the standard for laser measuring tools regardless of how much DISTO-red Kool Aid I’ve drank.

“They are, in our opinion, the Cadillac brand of laser measuring tools.” – Joel Baker, a la mode

Now, with integrated digital cameras, 600’+ range, and features like Smart Horizontal, Measure In Picture, and Bluetooth connectivity, DISTOs have evolved from “laser measurement” to Information Modeling tools that make it easy to capture accurate real world dimensions for manipulation in software like TOTAL for Mobile.

This is a game changer for appraisers. If you’re already familiar with Leica DISTO™ and just trying to figure out which one will work best for you with TOTAL for Mobile, check out our page in the TOTAL Store here.

Otherwise, if you’re not familiar with laser measuring, or you’re not quite ready to make the leap, please read on.

DISTO on the Road

If you haven’t been to an a la mode Modern Appraiser’s Roadshow, I highly recommend it.

I met the team from a la mode for the first time at last year’s Orlando show. I left impressed by their dedication to their customers, their wealth of knowledge about appraisal technology, and their deep understanding of the industry at large.

This might sound like the wishful thinking of a DISTO salesman, but after watching Paul and Joel teach the dance between a DISTO and their software I can’t imagine an appraiser, insurance adjuster, or tax assessor without a DISTO on their hip in five years. The combination of speed and accuracy is just too much of a competitive advantage, especially for those who are among the first to master it in their markets.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not promoting some sort of gladiatorial deathmatch between laser-armed appraisers and Roll-a-Tape-wielding loyalists.

However, tools do change the way industries operate. There’s a reason timber isn’t harvested with an axe anymore: It’s called “the chainsaw” and the difference between a tape and laser is just as apparent when it comes to measuring for an appraisal.

While at the Roadshow in Orlando I had the good fortune to speak with Alan Burton, an appraiser with Forsythe Appraisals out of Ormond Beach, Florida. Alan is the proud owner of a Leica DISTO™ D810 Touch. He told us a great story about the impact a DISTO can have on an appraisal and the benefit it provides to homeowners looking for the most reliable data possible.

Alan Burton Testimonial from Leica Geosystems on Vimeo.

“Paper Weight Anxiety”

A big part of my job at Leica Geosystems is to produce video for our eCommerce and support platforms.

We’ve heard from appraisers who are concerned they won’t know how to use the tool, or the technical learning curve might be too steep, and that it will become a big red paper weight on their desk.

I understand the concern, and there definitely is a learning curve when switching from a tape to a DISTO with TOTAL for Mobile, but that’s OK: A learning curve is often a sign that something is worth doing, and life will be better on the other side of it. Of course, getting over the hump is much easier when you have some help.

So, in response to the “paper weight anxiety” we’re creating DISTO tutorial videos that will walk you through each function, from the first time you press the big red measure button to the first time you use the Pythagorean Function to measure an exterior wall over the head of a snarling pit bull in the front yard.

Making the best tools possible

From DISTOs to High Definition Laser Scanners, to the coolest commercial drones on the planet, we at Leica Geosystems take pride in the tools we make, but we never lose sight of one simple fact: It’s about the job, not the tool, and that makes it about the people who use them.

Our mantra is to take our work seriously, not ourselves. To that end, we are going to make sure you have all the information and support you need to get the most out of your DISTO (and have fun doing it). So please, do yourself a favor and check out the DISTO shop in the TOTAL Store and prepare to impress some property owners.

Happy (and accurate) measuring,

Kevin Rinaldi-Young
Content Production Specialist
Leica Geosystems