Mileage Estimator for 2012 reports

Written by on April 1, 2013

Every appraiser should keep a detailed log of miles driven for assignments, but many appraisers find it tedious, and it often falls by the wayside. And even with written logs, it’s difficult to get costs per report.

Your WinTOTAL and TOTAL reports already have a list of all the addresses you visited throughout the year, so use Mileage Estimator to turn your entire 2012 WinTOTAL and TOTAL databases of signed or inspected reports into a customizable spreadsheet with mileage totals, fuel consumption, fuel expense, and even vehicle tax deduction estimates.

Mileage Estimator automatically looks for your 2012 reports, but when you run it you can choose which WinTOTAL or TOTAL folder to include or leave out. You can also choose whether or not to include your rental and listing comps in the estimation. For every included report, Mileage Estimator maps the distance from your office to the subject property and all of the comps on each assignment. It does so by using geocoding and route calculation, just like your GPS. From there, the fuel and standard deduction sums show up in one customizable, easy-to-read Excel spreadsheet. You can even click on each subject’s address to get a complete turn-by-turn account of the driving directions used.

When you put in the average cost of fuel last year and how many miles per gallon your car currently gets, the spreadsheet automatically calculates your average miles driven per report, estimates your fuel cost for the year, and gives you an indication of what your deduction might look like. In fact, this spreadsheet can easily be given to your tax professional to help determine if there might be a tax deduction for your vehicle.

And it’s also a useful tool when considering a switch to a more fuel-efficient car, or deciding how much to add to your standard appraisal fees when working in areas further from your office.

If you’re using WinTOTAL or TOTAL 2013, click here to get started today.