Multi-material QuickLists in TOTAL for Mobile

Written by on September 8, 2014

It would be so much easier if everything consisted of a single thing, right? But some things, like external walls and flooring, are often made with multiple materials. For example, houses with a stone and cedar shingle exterior, or bathroom floors that are hardwood and tile. QuickLists could be created for each conceivable combination, or you could manually enter each material. There is something much more flexible and efficient in TOTAL for Mobile.

Select multiple items in a QuickList

Multi-material QuickLists allow you to select more than one item, and they are automatically combined into the field. Simply enter multi-material mode and select each QuickList item. That's it!

You can do this in any field where there are QuickLists, so it's not just for a few fields. It also doesn't have to be just for fields with multiple materials: Any place where multiple values are appropriate are a great place to use this feature.