Oklahoma, one month later

Written by on June 20, 2013

Today marks one month since the tornadoes in Moore.

We’ve posted periodic updates here, from resources and ways to help, to the ways that we’ve been able to offer help, thanks to the support of our friends and business partners. Their response has been incredible, and we are so grateful.

We don’t have to look far to see how donations from Mercury Network customers and business partners throughout the country have made a difference in the Moore/Norman area. ShowMeOKC's affiliate in Houston, Texas sent a U-Haul truck full of supplies. AXIS Appraisal Management Solutions also sent an overnight shipment of Visa gift cards so families could quickly replace essentials, and then followed up a week later with big boxes of essential supplies. Alan Thorup, the Exec Director of the Greater Indianapolis Mortgage Bankers Association, also donated a box of clothing and other items.

Although business as usual has continued at a la mode, our thoughts remain with the community. We've also made direct donations to those affected and our teams of volunteers are going out at least once a week to help in the recovery effort. While the focus has shifted to rebuilding, we recognize the losses suffered and that Moore has been changed forever.

As far as the content here on the Appraisal Team Blog, posts about the topics you’re used to seeing, like WinTOTAL and TOTAL features and related news, will resume, but we’ll still provide periodic updates about the recovery effort. We’re committed to helping throughout that process, and we so appreciate your support.