Automatically sort your comps

Written by on May 7, 2013

In an earlier tip, we showed you how to manually sort your comps by dragging them into place. But how do you decide which comps go first? The closest in proximity, square footage, sale price, or adjustment percentage? And are you doing all the sorting yourself — manually?

In TOTAL 2013, you can choose any of these, and have the program automatically sort them for you. Since the Comps PowerView is a true side-by-side view, showing all of your comparables, it’s a snap to sort them all at once.

In the toolbar at the top of the Comps PowerView, choose your automatic sorting option from the pull-down. Put the comps closest in proximity first, or sort by GLA, adjusted sale price, or actual sale price. And of course, sort your comps by weight, which gives preference to your comps based on gross adjustments.

Try TOTAL 2013’s automatic comps sorting in your next report. And if you haven’t tried TOTAL 2013 yet, click here for a free trial.