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a la mode launches renovated website

On June 12, 2017, a la mode released its newly designed company website. The site includes improved navigation for user-friendliness, more resources for appraisers, and easier purchasing options. The driving factor for this renovation was to provide an exemplary web experience for both current and new a la mode customers.

The new website was designed with a “mobile-first” world, and works equally well in all flavors of devices and website browsers. It also includes brand new pages for customer stories, help resources, and a la mode’s newest products.

“The new website is going to be a huge upgrade for our customers’ online experience,” said Ellana Walker, CMO. “We’re excited because it’s not only a place for appraisers to buy products for their businesses, but it’s also an enormous hub of information and resources to help them learn more about our company as a whole, our product line, and how to use our tools.”

The website will remain at the same address, The a la mode creative team will also continue to improve the site on a perpetual basis.