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Adding QuickNotes to your report

Are your reports covered in sticky notes? QuickNotes are a better way to keep track of your thoughts and comments and share them with colleagues. See how to use them in the one minute video above.

Real life example: In order to communicate report changes to your staff or colleagues, you're used to making lots of notes on sheets of paper, and then waiting for them to be picked up. Or, you rely on long, complicated e-mail threads, which make keeping your audit trail difficult at best.

Instead, use TOTAL's built-in QuickNotes, which are electronic, color-coded sticky notes. They show up on your forms in TOTAL and stay saved in your Spectrum Workfile, but aren't sent to your client when delivered. So you stay USPAP-compliant while giving your staff instant access to your feedback. You can even see and edit all QuickNotes at once from TOTAL's Notes PowerView.

The QuickNotes feature is exclusive to TOTAL and WinTOTAL, so you won't find it with any other vendors. This tool is fundamental in helping appraisers go paperless and be more efficient.