Many appraisers start their reports with more comps than they need, and as they fill out the grid they pare down the list until the most appropriate comps are left. But what do you do with comps that don’t quite make the cut? Does your software delete them forever?
Save your work into WinTOTAL’s exclusive Digital Workfile. Instead of permanently deleting all the work you’ve done, WinTOTAL saves your comparable in its entirety, including the photo. You can:
- View and print the unused comp
- Make notes about why you didn't use it (in case you're ever questioned about it)
- Print a copy of the unused comp
- Restore it to the report if the client or underwriter asks for more comps
When you restore a comp, all your earlier work comes with it, including the adjustments and photos – and everything else in the Workfile gets permanently backed up with the rest of the report.
There are many reasons to use the Workfile, and if your software doesn’t allow you to save your work like this, sign up for a fully-functional trial of WinTOTAL.
Bonus Tip
Comps Database users: WinTOTAL automatically imports all your saved Workfile comps into the Comps Database for later use.