Suppose you work in an office with other appraisers on your WinTOTAL network, and you want to share your QuickLists with everyone, and work from a single “master” set of QuickLists. This could save time – not only from duplicating common field entries, but it could also make your office a little more consistent from report to report, and appraiser to appraiser.
Each WinTOTAL user, by default, gets their own set of QuickLists to use and update. To share your QuickLists, you set each WinTOTAL user to use the same person's Text Dabase (synonomous with QuickLists) from the Edit menu. Just don't forget to back up your QuickLists and settings online with Vault and Exact.
We’ve covered QuickLists in a couple of previous and popular Weekly tech tips, and today's tip is an offshoot of those previous tips. If you've missed either of the previous tips, click below to visit them: