AutoBrowse to your newest photos

Written by on June 4, 2013

Do you import and store your inspection photos separately from TOTAL? Some appraisers do this manually, creating individual folders for each day they took pictures. Some appraisers use software that comes with their camera, like Kodak’s EasyShare software, to do this for them.

While this can give you good organization for your photos outside of your formfiller, it can be a hassle when you need to import your photos into your report or photos database. You have to manually browse, search for, and find the newest folder you created before you can preview and import your pictures into your database.

Instead, use AutoBrowse in TOTAL. Built into the Photos PowerView, you only have to set it up once.

You tell AutoBrowse where you put all your new photo folders, and the next time you preview your images in TOTAL, the QuickPix importer automatically loads the pictures from the newest folder for you. With AutoBrowse, you no longer have to manually browse and search for the newest folder each time you use the Photos Database.

Try AutoBrowse in your next report in TOTAL.