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New to Titan:  Addenda, hotkeys, floodmaps

Our most recent Preview of Titan was released to our Elite customers last week and is now available. If you’re not Elite and would like to get in on the Preview, call our Sales Department at 1-800-ALAMODE or send an e-mail to

Titan takes what you love about TOTAL and puts it in the cloud – making it available to you from wherever you are, anytime you need it. With Titan, there's no learning curve. You'll be able to jump right in using the same workflow and features you've become accustomed to inside TOTAL.

While still in development, this Preview lets you experience how a web product will improve the way you work. With Titan, you have the freedom to work the way you want, without being tethered to your desk, device, or otherwise. Check out what we've been up to. We think you'll be impressed by how familiar Titan is.

Addenda Writing in any web browser
You'll love Titan's addenda writer. Like in TOTAL, your text overflows into the addenda when you reach the end of a field. With the split-screen view, you can work in the form with your addenda open at the same time. Plus, you have options you've come to expect like bold, italics, and underline.

This is the first step to giving you the addenda on the web. It will get better with future releases.

Hotkeys will save you tons of time
We’ve added some of TOTAL's most beloved hotkeys to Titan's property grid, including:

F2 Pushes the data from one field to all other comps
= Copy field data from another property
= At the beginning of the address field to copy a property
== Clears a comp

Try these today. You'll get more filled out without typing or taking your hands off the keyboard, which is particularly helpful when you're using a laptop, trackpad, or mobile device.

Add an InterFlood map to your report in seconds
To add a flood map to your Titan report, use “Add Map” from the toolbar. From there, you'll choose between a perfectly-shaped road or satellite map.

Let us (and your peers) know what you think
Why show Titan if it’s not ready for prime time? Because we want you to see where we’re going and how many of your problems it will solve. By the time the live release is ready, you’ll have used all of Titan in digestible chunks, and you’ll be itching to use it on an actual report for a client.

On that note, our “beta testers”, the awesome appraisers who work with us as guinea pigs, are excited. Just like our betas, you’ll find things that don’t work right. After all, as cool as it is, this is still an early preview and months away from official release.

That’s why there’s a Feedback button on screen for you to let us know anything you find, or just tell us what you want to see Titan do. We read every single submission, we promise.