Sometimes, it's helpful to automatically copy data from a field on one form into a similar field on another form. This keeps you consistent, saves a little bit of time with each report, and is easy to do using TOTAL's Worksheet PowerView. Some examples of when this is helpful include:
- Matching the "user-defined" fields at the bottom of the sales grid with the equivalent fields on the listings and /or rentals grid
- Copying the AMC name from page 6 (of the 1004) to page 1 of the 1004D minor form, since the 1004D isn't a UAD form, and doesn't do this automatically
- Copying your Sales comps' history from the major form to the additional comps page, to have a consistent statement
- …and more
To copy a field from one form to another, you use TOTAL's Worksheets PowerView.
- Link the existing field from the down from the form into the worksheet. (Cell A1, as an example)
- In a different cell, use the "=" command to equate it with the first cell. (=A1)
- Link the new cell up into the other form.
Watch our video to see how this is done. And if you use template reports, load this worksheet into your templates to have this transfer done automatically with each report.
TOTAL's Worksheets make this, and a host of other calculations and transfers, possible. At our Modern Appraiser Roadshow, you'll learn how to shave time off every report with Worksheets, tackle common sketching problems, shorten turn times, go mobile, and more. See more topics and get your seat now here.
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