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Cut calculation time with Worksheets

Streamline your calculations and finish reports faster by using TOTAL-integrated Worksheets. Check out a quick overview in the one-minute above. It’s an excellent way to get introduced to Worksheets if you’ve never used them before.

As you can tell, Worksheets will automate your entire report. In fact, this is the single most powerful feature in any appraisal formfiller. And we'll post a tip next week that will show you how to fill in your 1004 MC step-by-step using Worksheets. You'll be blown away.

For now, load our sample worksheet file into TOTAL to spark your own ideas. It’s available here.

Also, copy your MLS spreadsheet data into the Worksheet PowerView. Link up fields too. TOTAL will handle all of the calculations and you’ll love the way data flows seamlessly to and from the report. Once you set it up once, everything is saved (links, calcs, you name it) so you don’t have to redo your work over and over. It's a brilliantly simple way to save time and boost accuracy.

Stay tuned. This week's video is a quick overview. We'll show you how to harness the power of Worksheets with new videos being added constantly.

Can’t wait for next week to learn more about Worksheets? See our older posts about them here.

Integrated Worksheets are exclusive to WinTOTAL and TOTAL. You won't find anything remotely like it with the other vendors.