GAC plugin for XSite Order Manager online

Written by on October 27, 2004

Pittsburgh-based General American Corp. (GAC), one of the nation's largest mortgage vendor management companies, recently completed a custom plugin for our XSite Order Manager (formerly Mercury Desktop) product for our nationwide roster of real estate appraisers.

The plugin, available to all of the approximately 17,000 appraiser users of XSite Order Manager, connects directly to GAC's internal servers and routes completed appraisal reports to GAC. As veteran Mercury Desktop users know, review rules are run on the reports on the appraiser's desktop side so that errors may be fixed before the report leaves the appraiser's hands.

That's why a desktop review rules solution is highly sought after in appraisal management today, as central server-based models have not delivered on promised time and cost savings. With customizable review rules error-checking reports on the appraiser's end, review times and resources are cut and appraisal quality for GAC's clients enhanced.

"Our partnership with a la mode on our custom plugin allows us to leverage the leading appraisal technology provider to enhance the quality of product and service we provide to GAC's clients," said Christopher Behning, Sr. Vice President and CTO of GAC. "At the same time, our nationwide panel of fee appraisers has an additional delivery option for appraisal order fulfillment, meaning they can do business with us whatever way they're most productive and efficient. That's a ‘soft cost' saved and we pass the savings on to GAC's clients, who also take advantage of a wider field of qualified, technology-savvy GAC fee appraisers."

Many thousands of you do work for or through GAC and with your custom delivery option through XSite Order Manager you will find doing business with GAC easier and smoother than ever.