Hide and rearrange your comps

Written by on October 23, 2012

One of the main benefits of having an actual side-by-side comps view in your software is how easily you can move, compare, and manipulate your grid data as you fill out the report.

For instance, say comp 3 is a little tricky for me, and comparing it right next to subject in the grid would help. In other software you’d have to rearrange all your comparables to do this, but in WinTOTAL and TOTAL, I simply hide comps 1 and 2, and comp 3 slides on over. I can now compare this comp directly against the subject in the grid. The other comps are still there, still in the same order, and when I’m done with comp 3, I simply show them again – no rearrangement necessary.

And even when I do want to rearrange my comps, I can do that right on the grid without having to use a pop-up window. In WinTOTAL, I select Move, and Swap With another comp. Even the photo on the photo page shifts with it, as well.

In TOTAL, it’s even easier – you simply drag your comp into place by its header.

These features, and the true side-by-side comps view, are exclusive to WinTOTAL and TOTAL, so click here to try them out in a free demo today.