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In the latest TOTAL update we’ve added “Save As”

When using the July 17th TOTAL update, you'll find the highly requested "Save As" feature in the file menu along with other improvements and fixes.

Save As is here and there are lots of ways to use it.

What's cool about this feature is there's no learning curve and there are lots of ways to use it. All you have to do is select File, and click Save As.

Then, you'll see a window with your Appraisal Desktop folders. Simply choose the folder you'd like to save your new report in, click Save, and begin working.

Our Beta testers love this feature. Here are some of the ways they're using it:

  • Redact private information to create sample reports for prospective clients.
  • Review past reports filled with relevant information to use in a new assignment.
  • Create a copy of a report when reappraising a property, or needing a different invoice number.

Some tips for using Save As:

  • After saving with Save As, you'll be working in the new report automatically. No need to find and open it. And at the same time, your old report will close.
  • The report description of the new report will match what you've named the report in the Save As window.
  • It's best to click Save As before you make changes to the report if you use Auto Save. Also, keep in mind, some actions, like signing a report, also save the report.
  • SmartMerge is still a great option when carrying over large amounts of data from one report to another.

To download, just click "Help" (with TOTAL open), and then click "Check for Updates".

TOTAL keeps getting better because of your suggestions. So, keep them coming using the Feedback button. And in case you missed our previous update messages, click here for the archive.

—The TOTAL Product Team

P.S. Our newest generation, the 100% cloud-based Titan Reports, is coming too. If you're an Elite customer and you haven't logged into the Preview yet, you're missing out. Click here to see what we've been working on.

TOTAL — July 18, 2017 Update


  • We've added a "Save As…" option to the File menu when editing a report.


  • An issue has been resolved that could prevent the Neighborhood section from merging when selecting the Overwrite all target fields option.
  • The issue that caused all contacts to merge from a source report instead of only those in a selected form section when using the Overwrite all target fields option has been fixed.

QuickPix Database

  • Thumbnails will now refresh properly after deleting an image.

Appraisal Desktop

  • We've made changes to the Appraisal Desktop that allow it to run faster.