Jump start your marketing for the New Year

Written by on December 22, 2005

It can be hard to get back into the swing of things after weeks of holiday shopping, parties and eating. But this year, make it your New Year's resolution to get a jump start on your marketing efforts. Here are three types of customers that you should be marketing to early in 2006:

Sellers. Winter home sellers often have an advantage over those who wait until the spring or summer because there are fewer houses on the market – meaning less competition for them – and the buyers tend to be more serious as opposed to those who are "just looking around" on a warm Sunday afternoon in June. In addition, because of the limited supply of homes, your sellers may be able to receive a higher purchase offer than expected.

First time buyers. Many of us breathe a big sigh of relief once the holiday season is over. But the end of the holidays marks the beginning of another season: Tax season. Many Americans file their taxes early in anticipation of getting their tax return more quickly. Take a marketing cue from those car dealership commercials and encourage your prospects to use their tax returns for a down payment on a new home. Plus, the pre-built content page "Your Down Payment" available your XSite gives prospects more ways to accumulate down payment money so they can qualify for the best loan possible.

Renters. Many landlords impose rent increases at the beginning of the year on properties that aren't rent-controlled. XSellerate, the automated marketing program, provides several pre-built marketing campaigns that target renters. And be sure to encourage your renter prospects to visit your XSite to use your Rent vs. Buy calculator and read up on the home buying process.