New Mississippi neighbors and sales tax

Written by on July 1, 2014

Here’s a note we sent to our Mississippi appraisers today:

We're now neighbors. We recently expanded by hiring employees in the state of Mississippi, and have registered with the state as having a local presence. We're excited about being a part of the Mississippi economy.

Please do realize that as long as we have a "tax nexus" in Mississippi, we are required to collect sales tax there. This obviously is a change in status from the past, when no sales tax was charged on sales to businesses in Mississippi. You will see future invoices reflect this change.

We also of course are required to pay Mississippi corporate income tax now, and other associated state fees and taxes. While it does raise our cost of doing business, it is the law and it is our obligation as good corporate citizens. This will not affect prices in Mississippi and is simply a burden which we absorb.

Please be aware that our Mississippi employees are Southeast US regional traveling salespeople who operate from their homes, so we do not disclose the locations publicly in the interest of their privacy.

We look forward to working with you as neighbors in Mississippi with mutual shared interests for a stronger state. We of course hope to benefit the local economy and real estate industry further over time by continuing to create additional jobs, and welcome any suggestions and input you may have. Thank you as always for your business and support.

— Your friends at a la mode