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Pushing data: F2 in the comps grid

Sometimes it's the little things that count.

Keyboard shortcuts (Hotkeys) can save you massive amounts of time when formfilling, and today's tip focuses on just one in particular that's been exclusive to WinTOTAL for about a decade: F2.

Let’s say that you want to push “Fee Simple” all the way across the grid. You type that into the subject, and hit F2. In simple terms, F2 pushes that grid data all the way to the right. If you‘re in the subject, it pushes the data to all properties – even in UAD fields. If you’re in comp 2, it pushes it to comp 3 and further. And, since both WinTOTAL and TOTAL have an actual side-by-side comps grid, you can push data to all comps at once, even if you have 12 comps.

You can see a list of keyboard shortcuts at any time in the program under the help menu, or click here to print a copy to keep at your desk.