How much do you spend on ink, toner and paper each month when you print out your MLS sheets? For most appraisers, MLS printouts account for about half of what gets stored in their file cabinets, day after day.
How do your appraisal assignments arrive? Some come through fax, but most come through e-mail, right? So why print them out just to spend your time and resources to archive your orders in a manila folder in a big steel file cabinet?
Many appraisers start their reports with more comps than they need, and as they fill out the grid they pare down the list until the most appropriate comps are left. But what do you do with comps that don’t quite make the cut? Does your software delete them forever?
Are your reports snowed under with sticky notes? Some of you write notes to yourselves; others give feedback to trainee appraisers. In addition to being messy, you run the risk of losing these notes, which can often be a violation of USPAP.
You send electronic copies of reports to your clients, right? Why not save an electronic copy of exactly what you sent them for yourself? WinTOTAL's exclusive Digital Workfile can even do this automatically — every time you send a completed file.