Three mobile myths: BUSTED

Written by on August 13, 2015

Despite the fact that our TOTAL for Mobile app is free on iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire HD. And despite the fact that appraisers constantly tell us that mobile saves them 30 minutes or more per assignment… There are still plenty of you out there who haven't gone mobile yet!

Don't worry. We understand. It's a process to transition to a new workflow, even with all the benefits. But, there are also a few "myths" we hear about going mobile, that we'd like to bust:

Myth 1: “I need to pay for exorbitant wireless data service.”
TOTAL for Mobile lets you work regardless of data connection. You can start reports in the field or work on a report you synced from your desktop at the office. You even have access to your templates so you won’t have to start from scratch. Take photos, fill in data, sketch, and more even in the most remote locations. When you’re done, just sync back to your computer from your home’s Wi-Fi for free.

Myth 2: “I’ll still need paper for comp data and extra notes.”
With TOTAL for Mobile you can verify and update comp data, take photos, and even geocode the address on site. Think of something you want to note but doesn’t fit in the report? You can take freeform notes and drawings and make voice recordings on the fly. They flow into your Digital Workfile for reference at the office. You stay 100% paperless!

Myth 3: “I can’t complete a complex sketch on a mobile device.”
We bust this myth hands-on at our Modern Appraiser Roadshows. Together with appraisers, we sketch a complex 5,000+ sq. ft. property with angles, curves, interior walls, cut-out areas, open-to-below, symbols, labels, and more. It’s all possible in TOTAL for Mobile’s sketcher using your fingertips to tap and swipe.

If any of those issues have been worrying you, I hope I helped paint a better picture of how TOTAL for Mobile works. Of course, if you have any other questions, check out our free live TOTAL for Mobile webinars here or send us an e-mail to We're here to help!