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Your step-by-step guide to getting started with TOTAL

Windows 10 was officially released last week, and the stats show it's running on around 18 million devices. If you're considering upgrading, it's important you make sure that all of your vital programs are compatible with the new OS.

As we announced last month, Windows 10 does not allow our old WinTOTAL Aurora program to run properly. (Click here to see the original announcement.) However TOTAL, our newest and most modern formfiller, works just fine on Windows 10 with no known issues. TOTAL is also more solid than Aurora, having been out on the market for almost six years with over 10,000 users.

All WinTOTAL Aurora users get TOTAL for free as part of their Membership. But maybe you haven't made the upgrade yet because you're not sure how to get started. This is where our Getting Started video series can help. The videos show exactly how easy it is to get started with TOTAL, from downloading the program to importing files from Aurora, and even goes further in depth in creating and finishing reports. Check out the video below for a guided walkthrough of downloading TOTAL:

Upgrading to TOTAL will not only save you more time in the end, but will also be one less barrier keeping you from updating to Windows 10.

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