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Integrated spreadsheets Part 5: Calculating actual age & re-using spreadsheets

We're back this week with some more of our popular tips on using WinTOTAL's forms-integrated worksheet view. We've gotten a lot of really great feedback, and some great questions, as well. It's good to know so many of you are using the worksheet view to save time and hassle in your reports.

This week I'll cover two short items. First, I show how to do a simple calculation to get "Actual Age" to calculate automatically from "Year Built." This has been a common request, and is very easy to do in Aurora. We'll come back and visit this calculation in a later tip where we'll cover several different ways to calculate actual age, especially if you use a different method.

Also today, I show you how to re-use worksheets. This is especially helpful for those of you that regularly use multiple worksheet calculations in your reports, as you can run as many calculations as you want simultaneously within one worksheet.

Go ahead and subscribe to this blog at the top so you don't miss any future tips, and I'll be back next week to show you how to combine multiple fields into one.